Anieya in a perfect pose!

Anieya is a young college student looking to further her education to a four year college. Not just dance, but dance therapy! I think that’s amazing, honestly – using your art and your talent to help others. That’s the beauty of art – it can heal. I have a few medical professionals in my family (all women!) and I do respect the work that they do, because it’s not easy.

While this wasn’t Anieya’s first photo shoot, it was her first professional one. I met with her and her mom before hand to discuss her needs and to help her understand what would be involved in the four hour shoot that we would be doing. What poses and positions we would be shooting, how much time she would have for warm-up (very important!) and how long she would be in front of the camera. Most schools want at least an arabesque, and while they’re not always specific about which version, we chose an arabesque in the 1st for Anieya as I think it fit her body strengths well.

All in all I had 8 solid shots for her, including one of a floor movement (you can see it on my instagram @musemarcphoto). Any of them would have been good for audition photos. I’m also glad to have worked with Gisela Quinteros, an Opera de Paris trained dancer and choreographer (instagram @qgiselap) who was my second pair of eyes and hands. 

Good luck Anieya! I hope you get accepted where ever you apply!